
Getting a one-night stand isn’t as easy as it seems in movies — believe me, I’ve tried. While it seems so easy in reality, it’s probably the most nerve-wracking thing someone could possibly do. If your friends brag about you all the time, they’re either lying or, in rare cases, they’re just that good at flirting.

But what’s their actual secret? Today, we’re here to reveal the secret to you. Chances are, if you ask anyone who has one-night stands about how they do it, they’ll mention one, multiple, or all of these hacks.

Grab Your Phone Now


Let me tell you. You don’t even have to leave your home to find a one-night stand. You don’t have to go to the liquid swords pitchfork concert or other Gen-Z, millennial concerts just to hook up with a girl.

It turns out that your best wingman has been in your pocket all along. In case you haven’t noticed, dating apps are pretty much the way people meet nowadays. “We met on Tinder!” is totally acceptable now, and “Tinder hookup” is even more common than ever. As well as dating apps, many people have also started using hookups and casual sex apps. These apps are specifically designed for people seeking no-strings-attached sex.

Be Aware of Certain Behaviors


If you’re planning on trying your luck with face-to-face interactions, then good for you. You can tell in person when a girl wants to hook up with you, and she can see if you’re attractive or not. Everyone is happy with it. You never know how it’s going to go when you try to fuck someone in a real-world setting. When you hook up with someone you literally just met, you’re sure to be bold. However, if you do it the right way and pay attention to some specific behaviors from the person you’re fucking, you’ll always succeed.

How can you spot these behaviors? For starters, make sure she’s looking around or, better yet, at you. Before approaching a girl or asking her out, make sure she’s into you with eye contact. If she’s busy with her friends and not looking for a guy to take home, leave her alone. You can, however, be that person if you see her scanning the room for someone to meet her gaze. When her head turns to you, smile and meet her gaze.

Don’t Go Out Alone

Also, make sure you don’t go out alone. A good way to increase your chances of getting one-night stands with any woman you want is to always go out with a group of friends, but not too many. When you’re with a group of 3-5 friends, you’ve got a better chance of hitting on a girl who’s with her friends since your friends can keep her company while you chat her up.

Get Flirty Right Away


To get laid the first time you meet someone, set the tone right away and let them know what you want. By flirting in the right way, you eliminate confusion, games, and ultimately, failure to achieve a one-night stand. Many people try hard not to seem interested in someone when they are, leaving the other person confused and feeling like you aren’t interested in them.

It’s best to leave subtlety at the door if you’re trying to hook up with someone you met on the SAME night. If you want to attract a woman, show her that you desire her, but don’t overdo it.

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