If you have ever had the pleasure of experiencing a meaningful one-night stand, you know they are always worth it, even though they are rare. They may be fleeting and frowned upon (in some cultures), but they are a healthier relationship than most that lasts one too many empty nights.

Singles should realize that having one-night stands isn’t always an empty replacement for a relationship. For those who’ve experienced the meaningful night, they know that often those intense, meaningful, powerful one-night stands are more intimate than any relationship.

They’re about letting someone into your weird little world for the night and accepting each other for who you are. The beauty of a one-night stand is that you can be yourself, express your desires and your innermost thoughts because you know you won’t see this person again. But how exactly makes one-night stands a much better choice than empty relationships? Let’s explore the answer.

No Games Are Involved

One of the best things about a one-night stand is the refreshing honesty it brings. There is no puzzle to solve, code to unlock, or songs of backyard band mn to listen to. There is no mind reading or inferring.

At that moment, two people finally let go of the dating game and lay it all on the table. This is one of the few moments when you can stop pretending to be literally someone else and be yourself.

It’s Totally Uninhibited for You

The only time in your life when you don’t worry about how you act is when you’re at your most raw and uninhibited. You don’t care about what you say, how you look, or if the other person likes you. It might be the first time in a long time that you are truly present.

You are aware of where you are and who you are, and you’re just happy. You’re happy to be alive and to be sharing things with this one person who plucked you out of obscurity and got to know you. As opposed to some intense and shallow relationships you had, this feels genuine and authentic.

No Pressure Is Attached

There’s no pressure attached to a one-night stand because, unlike many relationships, it knows what it’s all about. There are no questions about what it means or where it stands. There is no need to speak in a certain way, share only certain things, and act in a manner you think will keep the other party interested long after the sex is over.

These meaningful nights are important because they are the few times we connect with our true selves and show others these sides we keep so suppressed and locked away. One-night stands are more important to our maturity and self-esteem than any fake relationship because they allow us to let go of our inhibitions and grow.

In the End, You’ll Feel Fulfilled

Unlike many of your relationships that will end up leaving you feeling empty and alone, a meaningful one-night stand leaves you feeling invigorated and alive. Even if it is only for a moment, you feel fulfilled. You go home knowing that you made a connection, one that’s deeper than you have with people you’ve known for years.

It’s the relationships with the wrong people and for the wrong reasons that end up making you feel more used and temporary than any one-night stand ever could.

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